Daily Archives: July 8, 2008

Corn Killer

I have never been very fond of cats. I especially don’t like cats in my yard. For the past 20 minutes, I have been researching cat traps. You see, my neighbor doesn’t keep track of his cat. It jumps the fence and tears up my garden. This makes me very upset.

When I awoke this morning, I realized the cat had destroyed 25% of my corn. Enough is enough, I thought. With some careful work this evening, I may have saved some of it, but only time will tell.

Corn Smashed

Needless to say, when the cat hopped the fence tonight and ducked into the rows of corn again, I grabbed an 8 foot 2-by-2 that I was measuring (pole beans need something to climb) and gave the cat a surprise of my own.

In other news, we decided to do some more thinning to the turnips, beets, and carrots.

Turnip One

Micro Carrots